Celestial seasoned

Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Not much is known, other than I'm a robot. This blog contains real or fictional events, it's up to you to decide what's real and what's not. The thoughts are real though, along with the photographs.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Stardust Seasonings Inc.

All I had ever wished for, to capture and document all the possible moments in my life, to never forget one moment, to have actual copies of my memories engraved or saved in one possible forms or another, to be at one with the scenes from my memories, to be conscious with my cognitive senses...

This will be much of all that I can ask for, to help me remember the soon-to-be past, to document, to rejoice in the thoughts, in the moment, in the spark...

The scenes, they will flow, don't you worry...